Highland es una raza originaria de Escocia. |
American Highland Cattle Association | Livestock Exchange Building, Suite 200 4701 Marion Street - Denver Colorado 80216 Estados Unidos |
Deutscher Rinderz�chter e.V. German Cattle Breeders Federation |
Ipernstedt 11 25873 Rantrum Alemania |
Australian Highland Cattle Society | Epson Road - Ascot Vale Victoria 3032 Australia |
Austrian Highland Cattle Society |
A - 1010 Wien K�rntnerstra�e 39 Austria |
Heartland Highland Cattle Association | Route # 5 Box 798 - Ava Missouri 65608 Estados Unidos |
New Zealand Highland Cattle Society |
Glenloch Fold 769 - Limestone Valley Road Taiko - Timaru 7974 Nueva Zelanda |
North East Highland Cattle Association |
223 Moul Road -
Hilton New York 14468 Estados Unidos |
The Canadian Highland Cattle Society | 307 Spicer - Knowlton Quebec J0E 1V0 Canad� |
The Highland Cattle Society | 59 Drumlanring Street - Thornhill Dumfriesshire DG3 5LY Gran Breta�a |