Deutscher Rinderz�chter e.V. |
Ipernstedt 11 25873 Rantrum Alemania +49 4841 73868 |
Brasileira dos Criadores de Limousin |
Av Tiradentes, 6275 - Londrina Parana 86072 - 360 Brasil +55 43338 6465 |
Portuguesa Criadores Ra�a Bovina Limousine |
Apartado 136 - Rua Miguel Bombarda 3 - 1� Lagoa 8400 Portugal +351 82 341710 |
Nazionale Allevatori Razza Charolaise & Limousin |
Via C Colombo 33 Piacenza 29100 Italia +39 523 579586 |
Deutscher Limousin Z�chter e.V. |
Endenischer All�e 60 Bonn 1 - 53115 Alemania +49 228 633029 |
Canadian Limousin Association |
2320 - 41 Ave NE - Calgary |
Dansk Limousine Forening The Danish Limousin Association |
Udkaersvej 15 - Skejby Aarhus N - DK 8200 Dinamarca +45 87 405000 |
Espa�ola de Criadores de Limusin |
Lagasca 70� D
Madrid 28001 49004 Espa�a +34 15771853 |
des Herdbooks Luxembourgeois |
Box Post 313 - Ettelbruck
49004 Luxemburgo +352 810770 |
Groupement Limousin B�tail et Viande | St Just le Martel Le Verdeau 87590 Francia +33 5 55094969 |
Herd Book Limousin |
Lanaud 87220 Boisseuil Francia +33 5 55 064647 |
Herd - Book Limousin Belge | 4, rue des Champs Elys�es Ciney 5590 B�lgica +32 83230611 Fax +32 83220482 |
Irish Limousin Cattle Society |
Castle Grace - Cloltheen Co. Co Tipperary Irlanda +353 5265269 |
Limousin Beef Breeders Society |
PO Box 503 - Feilding Nueva Zelandia +64 6323 4484 |
Cattle Breeders' Society of South Africa |
PO Box 928 - Bloemfontein 9300 Sud�frica +27 51 4307992 |
Limousin Stamboek Nederland | Dorpsstraat 41 BH Den Ham 7683 Holanda +31 54951395 |
Limousin World |
PO Box 850870 - Yukon Oklahoma 73085 Estados Unidos (405) 350 0040 |
North American Limousin Foundation |
7383 South Alton Way, Suite 100 - Englewood Colorado 80112 Estados Unidos (303) 220 1693 |
Svenska Limousinf�reningen Swedish Limousin Association |
- Foder Suecia +46 501 88500 |
Texas Limousin Association | PO Box 239 - Crowley Texas 76036 Estados Unidos (817) 297 2462 |
The American Brahmousin Council |
PO Box 12363 - N Kansas City Missouri 64116 Estados Unidos (816) 421 1318 |
The Australian Limousin Breeders Society | PO Box 262 - Armidale New South Wales 2350 Australia +61 026771 1648 |
The British Limousin Cattle Society | National Agricultural Center Stoneleigh - Kenilworth CV8 2RA Gran Breta�a +44 2476 696500 |
The South West England Limousin Cattle Breeders Club |
Wayside - Bapton - Warminster Wiltshire BA12 0SA Gran Breta�a |
La fotograf�a original (ver) es de la Asociaci�n Argentina de Criadores de Limousin |