American Gelbvieh Association |
10900 Dover Street - Westminter Colorado 80021 Estados Unidos (303) 465 2333 |
de Criadores de Ganado Gelbvieh y Gelbray de la Rep�blica Mexicana |
Calle 4 N� 302 - Fracci�n Jos� M Iturralde M�rida - Yucat�n M�xico |
Australian Gelbvieh Association |
NSW 2351 - Armidale Australia +61 2 6773 3373 |
Canadian Gelbvieh Association |
110, 2116 - 27th Ave NE Calgary, Alberta Canad� (403) 250 8640 |
Colorado Galbvieh Association |
10900 Dover St - Westminster Colorado Estados Unidos (303) 465 2333 |
Deutsches Gelbvieh -
Frankenvieh German Gelbvieh Association |
GEH Gesch�ftsstelle Am Eschenbornrasen 11 - 37213 Witzenhausen Alemania 05542 1864 |
Northwest Gelbievh Association |
821 S Reynolds Road - Othello Washington 99344 Estados Unidos (509) 488 6130 |
Cattle Breeders Society of New Zealand |
PO Box 13142 - Armagh Christehurch Nueva Zelandia +64 3 379 3166 |
Cattle Breeders Society of South Africa |
PO Box 3360 Bloemfontein 9300 Sudafrica +27 51 4483856 |
La fotograf�a original es de American Gelbvieh Association |