American Dexter Cattle Association |
Rt 1, Box 378 - Concordia |
Deutscher Rinderz�chter e.V. |
Ipernstedt 11 25873 Rantrum Alemania +49 4841 73868 |
Canadian Dexter Cattle Association |
2417 Holly Lane - Otawa |
University of New England |
Dexter Cattle
Breeders Society of South Africa |
PO Box 19371 - Bloemspruit 9364 Frikkie van Tonder Sud�frica +27 82 878 9723 |
Holland Dexter |
Tineke Vink, Kerkpad 3 8462 TB Rotstergaast Holanda 0513-631344 |
The Dexter Cattle Society |
Waddicombe, Dulverton Somerset TA22 9RY Gran Breta�a + 44 139834 1490 |
Schweizerischer Fleckviehzuchtverband F�d�ration Suisse d'�levage de la race tachet�e rouge |
Sch�tzenstrasse 10 3052 Zollikofen Suiza +41 31 910 61119 |
La fotograf�a original es de The Dexter Cattle Society |